Fresh Cut your Christmas tree
At Trees for Tuition, we give every single Christmas tree that leaves our lot a fresh cut. But what if you got your tree elsewhere and they did not saw the base of the tree before they handed it off to you? Check out our fresh-cut Christmas tree page to see how to give your tree the cut it needs. After your tree receives a fresh cut make sure to get it into water as soon as possible! You have about three hours before sap on the base of the tree will harden. Once hardened this sap barrier will keep moisture both in and out. Keep reading to see Christmas tree watering best practices.

Watering your Christmas tree
Now that your Christmas tree has a fresh cut it’s ready to start drinking water. But first, you’ll need to install and straighten your tree in its Christmas tree stand. Once you’ve done this and placed your tree in a cool spot, it’s time to fill that stand-up with water! Your tree is thirsty! Fill that tree stand with as much water as possible! Pick a time of day, maybe even set a reminder on that fancy phone, to water your tree and stick to it every single day. Some trees will drain their tree stand of water day after day. Others may drink more slowly. In either case, we recommend checking and topping off your tree stand with water on a daily basis!

Keep it cool
Cool like🥶not like😎. To increase the longevity of your Christmas tree we recommend that you keep your tree away from any unnecessary heat sources. That unfortunately means big windows with a lot of sun😭. Obviously, we can’t stop you from putting your tree where you want but just know your tree may dry out faster if exposed to excessive sunlight! More importantly, is to keep your Christmas tree away from any heat sources in your home. This means heaters, vents, fireplaces, and anything else that may be emitting heat. Not doing so can be dangerous! Live Christmas trees do in fact burn and the dryer they get the easier they are to spark. You can guess why a tree by the fireplace is a recipe for disaster.

Spotting a healthy Christmas Tree
No matter how much water you give your tree or how cool you keep it nothing can fix a tree that was in poor health from the start. At Trees for Tuition, we receive weekly and bi-weekly fresh Christmas tree deliveries. This ensures all of our trees are in great health. But let’s dive into how to spot the freshest Christmas trees. The color: look for as little brown and as much green as possible! Often times trees will have a few brown dead needles towards their base and this is okay! But don’t buy a tree that is half brown. Needle retention: lightly grip a tree branch and pull towards yourself. If when you open your hand it’s full of needles leave that tree behind. If there are only a few or no needles in your hand she’s a keeper!💍