How we price our Christmas trees
Only two factors go into our pricing: size and aesthetics. When Christmas trees arrive from our friends in North Carolina they are tied up tight to ensure no branches break during transit. Once they have made their way to us it’s time to untie or “unwrap” each tree. Every time we unwrap a Christmas tree two things happen. First, we measure the height of the tree, from the very bottom of the tree to the tippy top of its “topper”. Next, we take a step back, spin the tree, shake it, run our hand through its needles, and finally give the Christmas tree an aesthetic rating. See more below on sizing and aesthetics or check out our shop page to get an idea of what prices to expect.

Christmas tree height
Christmas trees are always measured from the very bottom or base of the tree to the very top of its highest branch or topper. When shopping online you can be sure to receive a tree that is at least your selected height or maybe a tad taller! Before you pick your tree height check out our example images on our shop to ensure you’re getting what’s best for you. Many customers who think they want a 5ft, 6ft, or 7ft Christmas tree find they’d prefer one foot taller!

After a Christmas tree’s height is confirmed it’s time to see how pretty is! We know, beauty is in the eye of the beholder so every Christmas tree we say is beautiful may not be to you, but we are trying our best! A tree’s aesthetics will play a bigger role in pricing than its height. A 12 ft Christmas tree that’s missing half its branches isn’t worth as much as a perfect 6 ft tree. When shopping online all Christmas tree delivery packages come with an “ideal” tree width and fullness. When shopping in person you’ll be able to pick out your perfect Christmas tree based on its width and fullness. Both of these qualities will play a role in in-person pricing but don’t expect a drastic change from the prices listed online.