The Best Christmas Tree Stands
When you bring your tree stand with you to any of our locations we will install and straighten your Christmas tree in the stand before securing and loading your tree onto your vehicle. We’ve seen all kinds of Christmas tree stands over the last seven seasons, overly simple, overly complicated, and of course overly expensive. We only offer one type of Christmas tree stand at TFT and there’s a good reason. Hands down, without a doubt, these Cinco Christmas tree stands are the best on the market. They are simple, durable, quick to set up, and even affordable. But hey, we know lots of y’all have your own tree stands and it’s always best to use what you’ve got for as long as possible. No matter what kind of tree stand you bring to the lot or present us with while we are delivering, we will get’er on there secure and straight! Installing yourself? Check out our recommended tree stand setup below.

Tree Stand Setup From the Pros
Maybe you forgot to bring your stand to the lot with you or maybe you just like doin’ things yourself. Whatever the case here’s our recommended tree stand setup method for CINCO TREE STANDS. Please note: this method is not recommended for all tree stands and could damage or break other stands. If you are using any Cinco Christmas tree stand here’s what to do. First, lie your tree on its side outside, preferably with the trunk hanging off a workbench or the top step of your front porch. Next, loosen those bolts on your tree stand so that you can slide them around the truck. See those 3 spikes in the base of the tree stand? Make sure those are lined up with the bottom of the tree trunk when you slide it on. Next, while the tree is still on its side tighten the tree stand bolts until they are oh so barely touching the trunk of your tree. Now, with a hammer or mallet, give the base of your tree stand a few hefty wacks to drive those spikes into the tree. Find some level ground and stand your tree upright. With a partner, you should now easily be able to straighten your tree before bringing it inside! We recommend doing this outside to avoid the need for needle cleanup afterward.