What is a “Fresh Cut”?
When a tree is originally cut down at the farm something amazing happens. Within as little as 3 hours Christmas tree sap at the base of the tree hardens and traps all the tree’s moisture inside. It’s like when you skin your knee and a scab forms and stops the bleeding! This is what makes for a great Christmas tree, a tree that can lock its moisture inside and stay fresh for extended periods of time. However, when this sap scab forms it keeps moisture from getting in just as well as it keeps it from getting out! To ensure that your tree gets the moisture it needs and stays fresh well past Christmas we give every single tree we sell a fresh cut before it leaves our lots. If you purchased a tree from somewhere else and they failed to give your baby a fresh cut see how to properly amend this mistake below.

Giving a Fresh Cut
So you got your tree home and realized the seller didn’t give your tree a fresh cut, this is a big no-no. What you need to do first is unfortunately remove the decorations if you’ve already decorated. But hey, you get to decorate again right? Next, you’ll want to take your Christmas tree outside and find a place where you can lie the tree on its side. You’ll want the base of the tree, where you’ll be cutting, to be suspended with nothing below it. A work table or the top stair to your deck or front porch with the base of the tree hanging off the edge will work perfectly. Next with either a hand saw or chain saw you will need to make a straight cut 2-3 inches up from the base of the stump. This will insure to re-open the trees scab so that water can get in! Make sure to get your tree into its stand and water within 3 hours! Again that’s 3 inches and 3 hours. Check out the best way to install a Christmas tree stand here.