Involve Your Kids in Christmas Tree Shopping: How to Make It a Fun and Educational Family Tradition

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The holiday season is upon us, and for many families, that means it’s time to bring home the perfect Christmas tree. At Trees for Tuition, we believe the tree selection process can be more than just a fun outing; it can also be an opportunity to involve your kids and make it an educational, values-driven experience. As a community-focused business, we aim to nurture a spirit of generosity, environmental awareness, and support for education – and these principles can be integrated into your family’s tree shopping tradition.

In this blog post, we will share activities and ideas to help you engage your kids in every step of the Christmas tree shopping process, from learning about sustainable tree farming practices to understanding how their purchase contributes to tuition assistance programs. Our guidance will not only create entertaining and memorable experiences but also provide valuable lessons about the environment, community involvement, and the importance of making thoughtful decisions.

Explore Tree Types and Origins: A Botanical Adventure

To kick off your family’s Christmas tree shopping tradition, spend some time together learning about different tree types and their origins. Dive into the diverse world of Christmas trees, covering popular varieties such as the Frasier Fir, Balsam Fir, Scotch Pine, and Blue Spruce. Grab some books, visit educational websites, or watch engaging videos with your kids to familiarize them with the characteristics, colors, and scents of these festive trees.

As an added bonus, discuss the sustainable tree farming practices followed by Trees for Tuition’s partner farms, emphasizing the importance of our commitment to the environment.

Design Your Tree Shopping Checklist: A Family Collaboration

Before heading out to select your tree, gather the family and create a personalized tree shopping checklist together. Have each family member share their preferences in terms of tree type, size, shape, and other factors. Be sure to also include practical items, such as measuring your space, bringing a tape measure, and identifying the right tree stand for your chosen tree. Collaboratively compiling this checklist will enhance your kids’ excitement and anticipation for the big day.

Visit a Trees for Tuition Store: A Community Connection

The excitement escalates as you embark on the tree selection journey. Involve your kids in the tree selection process using the family-generated checklist. Encourage them to compare tree types, observe needle texture, and even take a sniff of the tree’s scent. Let them decide which tree best suits your family’s preferences and aligns with the eco-friendly values that Trees for Tuition represents.

As you make your selection, engage your kids in a conversation about the significance of their choice. Explain how each tree purchase supports educational funding for local students in need. By making this connection, your kids will develop a sense of pride and accomplishment, knowing that their choice contributes to a greater good.

Bring the Tree Home and Decorate Together: A Family Bonding Experience

After selecting and bringing home your Christmas tree, gather the family to decorate it together. Encourage your kids to take ownership of their roles, whether they’re carefully arranging ornaments, gently stringing lights, or placing the cherished tree topper. To add an extra layer of meaning, ask each family member to choose or create a special ornament reflecting their support for education or the environment. These ornaments will serve as a reminder of your family’s values and commitment to Trees for Tuition’s mission.

Reflect and Celebrate: Honoring the Shared Experience

Once the tree is beautifully decorated, gather the family for a reflection and appreciation session. Encourage each child to share what they learned from the experience, from tree types and sustainable practices to the impact of their purchase on education funding. Celebrate the accomplishment by enjoying a festive treat together, capturing photos in front of the tree, or sharing your family’s new tradition with friends on social media.

By embedding these shared values, your kids will carry forward this sense of social responsibility and environmental stewardship through future holiday seasons.


Transforming your annual Christmas tree shopping into an educational, values-driven family tradition will not only create lasting memories but also teach your kids the importance of making thoughtful decisions in support of the environment and community. By involving your children in every step of the process, from tree selection to decoration, you foster a greater understanding of Trees for Tuition’s mission and our shared commitment to education and environmental responsibility.

Are you planning on buying a real Christmas tree? Involve your kids in the process. With a newfound appreciation for the festivities and the power of their choices, your kids will eagerly anticipate the warmth and joy of this meaningful holiday tradition for years to come. Guided by Trees for Tuition’s principles, let’s create family-centered celebrations that cultivate a love for our planet and the educational opportunities it provides. 

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